Vital Vegas Podcast Ep. 76: Ellis Island’s Birthday, Skill-Based Slot Machines and More
In this week’s installment of the Vital Vegas podcast, we share all the latest Las Vegas news and prove, once and for all, people have extraordinarily low standards for entertainment!
What we lack in podcasting talent, we make up for with great guests.
First, we chat up Christina Ellis, Director of Marketing at Ellis Island Casino. The diminutive casino celebrated its 50th birthday on April 13, 2018, and we dropped by for some scoop, including news about the new Front Yard.

We also interview Paul Steelman, a well-known casino architect whose company, Competition Interactive, is making a go of skill-based slot machines.
Steelman talks about his new game, Running Rich Racing. The new game is being field tested at Planet Hollywood, The D and the Venetian.
We played the game at The D and we were awesome. Again, don’t believe everything you read on the Internet.

Also on the show, we share a “Listicle of the Week” featuring Las Vegas resorts that never happened. Some of the names you’ll know, like Alon and Echelon Place. You’ll also learn about the Caribbean Casino, Playboy Hotel and Casino, Montreaux Resort and (wait for it) Titanic Resort.
No, really.
Yes, podcasts might be boring, but they’re better than being alone with your thoughts! Take a listen.
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