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Essential Las Vegas News, Tips, Deals and WTF.Wed, 17 Jun 2020 06:14:44 +0000
By: pfft
Wed, 17 Jun 2020 06:14:44 +0000 when we were convincing ourselves that creepy clown sightings were waning.
By: Scott Roeben
Wed, 17 Jun 2020 02:04:44 +0000 reply to Charles Murray.
Appreciate your taking the time to say so.
By: Scott Roeben
Wed, 17 Jun 2020 02:03:56 +0000 reply to Craig Stambaugh.
Sorry to hear your trips have been bumped, but appreciate the kind words.
By: Brandon Outfall
Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:13:57 +0000 should re-name itself back to Union Plaza and add that to the marquee before someone from Woke (TM) Inc. looks up and gets victimized by the array of overlapping swastikas they see up there.
By: Craig Stambaugh
Mon, 15 Jun 2020 21:45:22 +0000 go to website for Vegas news. I have been a Vital Vegas fan for years. I have recently begun listening to the podcasts. Very entertaining. Keep up the great work. We’ve had two trips to Vegas scrapped so far this year. Late April for my birthday and this Father’s Day Weekend. But we are itching to make it to our favorite city. So here we come late July into August. Woo Hoo.
By: Face the Ace
Mon, 15 Jun 2020 19:43:15 +0000 is my second favorite Vegas podcast. It’s not No. 1, and it’s not close. Sorry, but that’s true.
By: Mike
Mon, 15 Jun 2020 18:10:53 +0000 you’re doing VV full time, these pods should be weekly!
We can’t get enough Melissa Vegas!!!!!!!
By: Charles Murray
Mon, 15 Jun 2020 09:27:59 +0000 sure like your Reporting Always Entertaining. Just like LAS VEGAS. Thank You.