Security Breach: Wayne Newton’s Casa de Shenandoah
Former singer Wayne Newton holds a special place in Las Vegas history.
Nobody seems to really know what that place is, but that doesn’t detract from the fact he’s synonymous with Las Vegas, and was given the nickname “Mr. Las Vegas” some time back.

Recent years have roughed up Mr. Las Vegas a bit, and now Newton’s mansion and 36-acre ranch, Casa de Shenandoah, is up for sale.
We got an exclusive photo of Wayne Newton’s mansion, which you can now purchase for a mere $70 million.

Unfortunately, the $70 million won’t include Newton’s famed collection of Arabian horses, or other animals in his menagerie. About 280 exotic animals (including a sloth) were sold to an Oregon wildlife center in March 2013.
We snapped a pic of a pair of his penguins back in the day (circa 2005).

Let us know if you snatch up Wayne Newton’s place, so we can shop for your housewarming gift.
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