The Quad Is Testing the Limits of Our Sanity
By Scott Roeben, on August 29 2013
1 min read
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Ah, casino-hotel marketing. It’s difficult. We get that. We’ve even done some of it.
But, now, The Quad is testing the limits of our sanity with an ongoing habit of spelling everyday words with a “Q.” It has to stop. Yesterday.

“Qrazy”? Really? It’s enough that we’re asked to endure a name like “The Quad,” so why add insult to injury?
Does The Quad not realize every time they use a call-to-action like “Booq It,” scores of potential customers go into a Hulk-like rage?
Enough is enough. The Quad, don’t undermine the years of work “Sesame Street” has done to get us to love the letter “Q.” This awkward affectation needs to go the way of the O’Sheas garage. Now, if not sooner, thanks.
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