Station Casinos Rebrands Cafes at Five Resorts
Station Casinos is rebranding several of its casino cafes. Confirmed: It’s a slow news day!
Cafes are fixtures in Las Vegas casinos, much like blackjack, escorts and cries of anguish when you hit two out of three Megabucks symbols.
The cafes at Red Rock and Green Valley Ranch, currently Grand Cafes, will be called Lucky Penny as of Feb. 24, 2021.
Palms fans will recognize the brand, as Lucky Penny opened at the off-Strip resort in 2017.
Palms, also owned by Station Casinos, has been closed since March 2020 and isn’t expected to open until it’s under new ownership, according mainly to us.

Also being rebranded are the Grand Cafes at Boulder Station, Santa Fe Station and Sunset Station. They’ll be called Brass Fork starting in early April 2021.
Brass Fork is an existing brand at Palace Station.
It’s unclear why they aren’t giving each cafe its own name, but granted, naming things is hard.
All these cafes operate 24/7, seven days a week.
Here’s more P.R. jibberty-jabbery on the Station Casino blog.
We like the name Lucky Penny, as we have never walked by a face-up penny in a casino without picking it up, even in these “unprecedented times” when you’re not allowed to touch anything.
Because we can use all the help we can get.

“Lucky Penny” has an old-timey feel to it.
It makes sense at these locals casinos, as customers tend to skew older.
Ask older players about lucky pennies, and they’ll tell you, “Find a penny, pick it up. All day long you’ll have good luck.”
Ask younger guests about lucky pennies, and they’ll reply, “Dafuq?”
Even though it’s Sin City, pennies are considered lucky for religious reasons. Back in the day, people thought metals were gifts from the gods that could protect them from evil forces.
Back when currency was mostly rocks, metal coins represented wealth, and some equate wealth with luck despite the fact a great philosopher once said, “Mo’ money, mo’ problems.”
Fun fact: National Lucky Penny Day is May 23. It’s worth noting that National People Need to Get a Life Day is March 12.

We couldn’t find any luck-based inspiration for Brass Fork, so we’ll just share a fun fact and make it look like that’s the inspiration for these cafe rebrands.
In countries such as Russia and Ukraine, it’s considered bad form to give someone something sharp, like a fork, as a gift. It means the parties will quarrel in the future. That is, unless the receiver gives something in return that’s made of brass (or copper).
This was clearly the inspiration behind Brass Fork. Now, you know!
The food at the cafes will pretty much be the same despite what the news releases say. It’s solid, but nothing fancy.
At this point, we’re just happy to still have restaurants where you don’t have to try and guess the hours of operation.
A common urban myth in Las Vegas says casinos are required to have a 24-hour dining option. That’s not the case. For example, Golden Gate has no restaurants, mostly due to the asshattery of the ownership of Du-Par’s.
Anyway, this was supposed to be a short article about a couple of cafes getting new names, but then we realized we just like talking to you.
We may not say it often enough, but you’re our favorite part of Las Vegas. Right after Captain Morgan. But you’re definitely a close second.
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