New Ad Reminds Everyone Las Vegas is Lit Again
As of June 4, 2020, Las Vegas is officially open again.
As a reminder, the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority released a slick ad that makes it clear Sin City is back in business.
The CGI-fueled ad gives a drone’s-eye-view of the Las Vegas Strip as lights are turned on across our town which was shut down for two months due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Rather than us ineptly trying to describe it, we’re going to used some very sophisticated “embedding” technology to just show you the damned thing.
Some casinos remain closed (awaiting demand to return, especially due to travel restrictions), and even at reopened casinos, some restaurants, bars are either closed or have limited offerings.
Live entertainment venues, nightclubs and dayclubs are out of the picture for the moment, too.
Still, a lot of what we love about Las Vegas is back in action.
Casinos are taking steps to ensure guests are safe, and feel safe. Many of the changes are long overdue, such as more frequent cleaning of slot machines, door handles, elevator handrails and other commonly-touched surfaces.

Other changes post-reopening are very much welcome, such as free parking pretty much everywhere.
It’s definitely a weird Las Vegas at the moment, and we’ve encountered some frustrations due to closures or changes in hours, especially at restaurants.
Many of the changes aren’t intrusive, although the jury’s still out on playing craps or blackjack with Plexiglas dividers, like at Bellagio.

Other changes are more noticeable.
Casino Royale, for example, has dumped all its table games temporarily.
Binion’s has removed its poker room, and “million dollar” photo op, temporarily.
Buffets remain closed, although Wynn’s will reopen with upgrades and new technology (others are expected to follow).
Temperature checks and scans are at virtually every casino.
Adding to the “Bizarro Vegas” vibe, all casino employees are sporting masks.
The list goes on.
The bottom line is it’s a strange Las Vegas at the moment, but we’d rather have a halfway Vegas than no Vegas at all.
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