“Cherry Boom Boom” Closes After Six Weeks at Tropicana
The “Tropicana Curse” is apparently alive and well, as the over-hyped “Cherry Boom Boom” has closed after a six week run.
The topless revue, which described itself as “awe-inspiring, immersive, engaging and interactive,” opened Sep. 12, 2016 and closed on Oct. 26, 2016.

“Cherry Boom Boom” suffered from an all-too-common affliction in Las Vegas entertainment, high costs and disappointing ticket sales. Read more.
The closing of “Cherry Boom Boom” brings our number of Las Vegas Shows That Have Closed in 2016 (Or Will) to a jarring 23.

The official Twitter account of “Cherry Boom Boom” claims the show is “in transition, but not over.” Granted, Las Vegas was built on optimism, but you know better than to hold your breath on that one.
“Cherry Boom Boom” wasn’t a bad show. The dancers were talented, and the choreography and production values were solid. The biggest disconnect came from the fact that although it was a topless revue, the toplessness was the least appealing part of the show. That’s the last thing we ever expected us to say, trust us.

Similar shows like “X Burlesque” at Flamingo and “Fantasy” at Luxor have endured for years on The Strip, but the secret sauce for success is elusive, and the adage “sex sells” doesn’t always prove to be true in such a competitive market.
We trust the talented dancers in “Cherry Boom Boom” will all find new gigs, and we’ll be curious to see how Tropicana’s next effort, “Band of Magicians,” fares. By that, of course, we mean, “We know how it’s likely to fare, but we’re trying to not be a buzzkill all the time.”
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