Fifteen Years Later, Casino Royale’s $1 Beer Promotion Ends, Now $2
A 15-year-long casino promotion at Casino Royale is coming to an end.
The Strip casino says it’s sold more than seven million bottles of Michelob for $1. All good things must come to an end, and that includes this ridiculously good deal.
The good news is Casino Royale will now serve that same bottle of beer for (wait for it) $2.

While we have never personally had a beer (no, really), this, too, seems like a ridiculously good deal.
On its Facebook page, Casino Royale shared, “We will still enjoy providing everyone with the lowest-priced drinks on The Strip and look forward to seeing you soon.”
The “lowest-priced drinks on The Strip” part is up for debate. For example, Stage Door has $1 PBRs and Flamingo’s happy hour (5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.) features 5-cent beer.
Casino Royale and its beer promotion are a throwback to a different era in Las Vegas where low prices were enticements to get gamblers through the doors, rather than rewards for player loyalty.

The cost of a bottle of beer for a casino is about a buck, so while a $1 bottle isn’t a loss-leader, it’s break-even, with gambling revenue taking up the slack.
Fifteen years was a long run in casino promotion years, and few would begrudge Casino Royale a price adjustment after seven million beers.
It’s worth noting Casino Royale is on an ever-shorter list of Strip casinos with free parking, so we’ll give them a pass on the beer promotion price bump.
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