25 Things We Learned About You From the 2017 Las Vegas?Visitor Profile Study
We find you absolutely fascinating.
The Las Vegas Visitor Profile Study is an opportunity for us to learn something about you through the art and science of surveys.
Each year, the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) interviews a group of randomly-selected visitors (3,600 this time) to get a peek at what you do in Vegas, how often and how much you spend doing it.
While some question the accuracy and value of the numbers, the Las Vegas Visitor Profile Study is wildly entertaining and a fun way for us to write a blog post by mostly copying and pasting.

Let’s go! Here are 25 things we learned about you from the LVCVA’s 2017 Las Vegas Visitor Profile Study.
1. In 2017, 79% of visitors had visited Las Vegas before, up significantly from 73% last year.
2. Seventy-four percent (74%) of those surveyed said they visited Las Vegas only once in the past year. Slackers.
3. When asked if they had attended a convention, trade show, association or corporate meeting, 11% said they had. That’s a lot of lanyards.
4. Forty-six percent (46%) of Las Vegas visitors arrived by air, with 54% arriving by ground transportation.
5. According to the survey, 29% of visitors reported taking a taxi during their Vegas visit, up from 26% last year, while 19% said they used a ride-sharing service, up from 13% last year. The taxi statistic is one of those questionable numbers we were talking about, as taxi rides have been declining for three years now due to companies like Lyft and Uber.

6. The proportion of visitors who reported using a travel agent to plan their trip to Las Vegas (10%) decreased compared to 2013–2016 usage. Yes, travel agents apparently still exist.
7. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of visitors said they had visited downtown Las Vegas on their trip, up significantly from 2013–2016.

8. The average adult party size in 2017 was 2.3 persons, up from 2.2 in 2015. It’s best if you don’t ask what .3 of a person looks like.
9. Fewer 2017 visitors had children under the age of 21 in their immediate party than last year. This is the best news, ever.
10. In 2017, visitors stayed an average of 3.5 nights and 4.5 days in Las Vegas.
11. In 2017, visitors spent much more on food and drink than in each of the past five years. The average expenditure was $376.97. If Las Vegas visitors are anything like us, this was mostly drink.

12. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of 2017 visitors said they gambled while in Las Vegas, an increase from 69% last year.
13. The average trip gambling budget ($541.18) was down from last year’s, but has remained in the same range over the recent past. We blame it on those “When the Fun Stops” brochures.

14. About nine in 10 (89%) visitors who gambled said they gambled on the Strip corridor, while four in 10 said they gambled downtown, a significant increase from past findings. Conclusion: We are spending way too much time downtown.
15. Among those who gambled while in Vegas, 77% gambled for two hours or less, up significantly from each of the past four years.
16. Visitors were asked what other nearby destinations they had visited or planned to visit. The most common responses were the Grand Canyon (65%), Hoover Dam (57%), Zion National Park (12%) and Lake Mead (11%). Yes, many of these destinations are “outdoors,” which is why you “will not find us there.”

17. The average trip expenditure on shopping was $143.13, up significantly from $122.66 in 2015. Interestingly, at the upscale Shops at Crystals shopping center, guests are charged $143.13 just for thinking about some of the merchandise.
18. Nearly six in 10 (59%) visitors in 2017 attended shows during their stay.
19. Thirteen percent of Vegas visitors who attended shows saw a comedy show and 6% saw a magic show.

20. Almost three-quarters of 2017 Las Vegas visitors were married. Some managed to have a good time, anyway.
21. Sixteen percent of visitors were from foreign countries.
22. A third (31%) of visitors identified themselves as non-white.
23. One in six (17%) visitors to Las Vegas in 2017 were retired.

24. Almost half (45%) of visitors in 2017 were under the age of 40, hence the proliferation of virtual reality and cornhole in Las Vegas.
25. We saved the best for last: Nearly seven in 10 (69%) visitors used Web sites, social media or apps to plan their Las Vegas trip. Translation: This blog. Or at least another, better, Las Vegas blog. Or the Facebooks and Twitters. Some people even listen to podcasts, and you know who both of you are.
Thank you for making us part of your Las Vegas experience, and for sharing your inner essence with the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.
See the full 2017 Las Vegas Visitor Profile Study (.pdf).
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