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Latest Casino and Gaming NewsMon, 05 Jun 2023 07:10:49 +0000
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By: Angel IaM Cyn
Mon, 05 Jun 2023 07:10:49 +0000https://www.sportsturfmanager.org/news/?p=239720#comment-317624When Harrah’s is spending the kind of money they’ve allocated for the purchase of Pompano Park, the fine of $9,500 to re-home the endangered burrowing owl population is a bird brain amount. I’d say burrowing owl’s are probably the least likely to survive of all the different owl populations as they perch on the ground and will be crushed by Harrah’s bulldozers by accident. I don’t think a 9,500$ fee is enough compensation for an endangered species home, unless it’s the fee for each one found to call the 223 acre’s home. Anyone care to wager how many owl’s call it home? Someone from FWC doing the counting? Let’s let the good people of The Audubon Society do the head count so we can trust the number’s. Let’s hope that they can count better than the vote counter’s of election results . Shake the bushes and see ??
By: Nobody
Sat, 24 Dec 2022 19:30:23 +0000https://www.sportsturfmanager.org/news/?p=239720#comment-281629I’ve never seen or read such controversy over owls where are all the people for wildlife why don’t they get involved?! And to the gentlemen jentioning a pellet gun to get rid of them. Shame on you! There are other ways to work around the issue. If it’s an endangered species there has to be someone to call to help relocate them. Especially at the Harrahs property.
They should have to pay more than a $9,500 fee! It’s not like they cant afford it!
This what I just read is ridiculous.
So we as people/us humans have to co-exist with certain animals/species, etc.
Besides weren’t they more than likely here first?! There has to be better resolutions to issues such as this!
By: Bob Eckstrom
Fri, 28 Oct 2022 16:00:08 +0000https://www.sportsturfmanager.org/news/?p=239720#comment-265435These owls are pests. Mine are smack dab in the middle of my lawn of which I wanted to replace and now I can’t. So now I have to look at a mound of dog poop. (Yes, they forage the poop and surround the hole so preditors smell the poop and stay away) on top of that they poop all over my mail box. Yes, it’s them. Who else poops out the bones of what they eat. Same goes for my front porch lights. Every now and then they will swoop down on your head. As far as I’m concerned it’s my property and these owls are a trespassing nucence. I should be able to get rid of them anyway I see fit. Short of loading my pellet gun.